How to apply Iron-on labels

We guarantee that our iron-on clothing labels are durable and resistant even after many times in the washing machine.

  1. Peel to remove the Iron-On Label from the backing and place it face up on the fabric so that the text is showing.
  2. Cover the Iron-On Label with the supplied parchment paper and iron over it with a dry iron, on a medium-hot setting (cotton), no steam.
  3. Press the iron firmly over the label and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat as needed to ensure the label is firmly applied and not lifting on any edges.
  4. Allow to cool before use.
  5. For best results, wait 12 to 24 hours before laundering.

If the iron-on label peels away during laundry, it usually is because the iron was not hot enough when the label was applied. Try again following the instructions.

Important: Iron-on labels are not suitable for:

  • Fabrics that are highly textured (wools, canvas, fur)
  • Care tags (the silky ones)
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